Question fréquemment posée

What is 'Autoscan'?
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When using the RF scan gun, there are a number of places where you are asked the question 'Autoscan?'. 


When asked this question there are two answers, either (Y)es or (N)o, and the default is (N)o. Depending on how you answer this question, the system will treat your scanning differently. Depending on the situation, each option has it's merits

Autoscan = Y

When answering the 'Autoscan?' question with a 'Y' you are electing to scan each item that you are receiving into the system. What happens when scanning in this mode is that each scan will automatically increment your current count by the amount associated with the barcode (default is 1). While scanning with the autoscan=Y, each scan will take you through the quantity field and place you back in the barcode field. Once you have scanned an item in autoscan, a prompt will appear in case you need to modify the received quantity


Pressing TAB (on-screen or on keyboard) will take you back to the quantity field and allow you to modify the total quantity received.

This option is most useful on lines where you know that the supplier has good barcodes and allows you to scan an order in without having to sort prior. In addition, in scenarios with Package and/or Box barcodes where the outside packaging of a product differs from the individual barcode, this will allow you even quicker scanning by scanning the box quantity in without opening the box to scan each unit.

Autoscan = N

When answering the 'Autoscan?' question with an 'N' you are opting to manually enter the quantity after each scan. When using this option, you will scan the item or enter the part number and then be placed into the quantity field. Here you can enter the quantity received and continue.

This mode is useful in situations where the items may be in odd packaging, or where there are not fully valid barcodes.  

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