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WHI - How do I configure new lines?
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What is Catalog Display Control (DCF) Setup?

Catalog DCF setup is the part of Nexpart Administration where you:

  1. Select which manufacturer product lines you would like displayed within the catalog.
  2. Map your own system inventory product line codes globally to each manufacturer catalog line to be able to get customer-specific part pricing and availability from your system on parts from that manufacturer line in the catalog.
  3. Activate or deactivate your line codes by catalog group and subgroup as needed.

DCF setup is also used to configure catalog display results to fit your business needs with the
following optional configurations.

NOTE: although these configurations are not required, they will be very beneficial to your
Nexpart users catalog experience.

  • Catalog Make configuration – you can disable entire vehicle makes that you never sell parts for such as Detomaso, Lada or Delorean.
  • Group / Subgroup configuration – you can disable entire catalog groups or subgroups. If you don’t sell any Heating/AC parts, you can disable that entire group, or if that is all you sell, you can disable all groups except Heating/AC parts. You can also disable specific subgroups within a group.
  • Setup Part Type filtering. You may filter or restrict Catalog results to only show specific portions of a manufacturer's line. The default Catalog view is to display all Part Types, Product Classes and Prefix/Suffixes for a given manufacturer Define by manufacturer line, how parts from alternate lines are displayed - inline, as a link, or not displayed at all, as well as the sequence order that alternate lines are displayed and the line description.
  • Define by manufacturer, special promotions - You are able to assign a link in the catalog that allows your customers to click through to a webpage that lists specials or promotions for a particular manufacturer . The link will appear as under the manufacturer name in the catalog display.

How to Access Catalogue Display Control Setup?

Login to your Nexpart Admin site at Use the Administrative Login and Password that your AMS provided you. The Nexpart Admin main menu screen will display. Click the link to Catalog Display Control.


Navigating the DCF Screens

Three screens are used to setup a default DCF configuration:

  1. Manufacturer Configuration
  2. Supplier Line Code Configuration
  3. Group/Subgroup Configuration

These screens must be completed in the order shown when setting up a new default DCF or when adding a new manufacturer to an existing DCF. When editing an existing DCF, you can go to any of these three configuration screens as needed for ongoing maintenance.

  1. You must first define one or more manufacturers to be turned on in the catalog.
  2. Then you assign your system inventory product line codes to the manufacturers so that they are assigned to all catalog groups and subgroups where the manufacturer has parts. This lets the catalog retrieve your customer’s pricing and availability on parts from your system.
  3. Finally you go through the groups and subgroups and activate or deactivate any where you do not support that manufacturer in your product lines.

The three configuration screens have some common screen navigation and usage features that work the same way in all of them. So rather than describing those features as we go through each screen, they will be described once in this section. Refer to the numbered locations in this screen shot as each is described.

  1. This is the navigation path you have taken to get to this screen. In “Windows-speak” this is
  2. called a “bread crumb trail” because it shows how you got here and gives you the ability to go back to any of the previous screens before this one by just clicking on the link in the chain. The screen that is currently displayed is shown in black and is not a link. If you have made changes to anything in the body of a screen and click the link to another screen in the bread crumb chain, a pop up dialog box will prompt you to save or cancel those changes before moving to that new screen.
  3. The Save, Save & Continue, and Cancel buttons let you save or discard changes you have made in the current screen.
    1. The Save button saves changes to this point, and redisplays the current screen. It’s useful if you want to take a break and then continue later or just want to save your changes along the way.
    2. The Save & Continue button saves your changes and moves on to display the next logical screen in the default DCF configuration process.
    3. The Cancel button discards any changes you have made that have not previously been saved and displays the next logical screen in the default DCF configuration process.
    4. Note: When you click the Save or the Save & Continue buttons, a popup OK window displays asking “Are you sure you wish to save changes?”. Clicking OK saves your changes and takes the next action for that button. For the Cancel button, the popup message is “Are you sure you do not wish to save changes”. Clicking OK discards your changes and displays the next logical screen in the bread crumb trail. Clicking Cancel “cancels the cancel” and leaves your pending changes intact. However – if you just close your browser window or click any of the Nexpart Admin global
      links at the upper right side of the screen (Menu, Customer Support, Logout), any unsaved changes you made in the body of the displayed screen will be discarded without warning.
  4. The page bar lets you move easily and instantly between pages when there are more detail entries than will fit on one page. It also lets you choose how many entries to display per page.
    1. The Show dropdown selection box lets you change how many detail entries are displayed on each page as you work. The default varies depending on the total number of entries available. You might want to change this value if your monitor resolution is low to prevent having to scroll through very long pages. When you change the Show value, the number of entries on the page immediately changes

Brand Configuration

Configuring which part manufacturers you want to display in the catalog is the first step in a new
default DCF configuration.

Refer to the numbered locations in this screen shot as each is described. Unnumbered screen and
page navigation features are described in the “Navigating the Default DCF Configuration Screens” section of this setup guide.

  1. Manufacturers are listed by the mfg. code and name assigned to them in the WHI catalog.
    The default sort order for entries in this screen is alphabetic ascending by mfg. name, but can
    be changed by clicking the sort arrows in the column headings.
  2. When you first begin setting up a new default DCF, all manufacturers are deactivated by
    default, shown by the red 'X'. To activate a manufacturer, click on the red 'X'. It will
    change to a green Check . Reverse the process to deactivate a manufacturer.
    1. Manufacturers that you activate on this screen will be globally assigned to all catalog groups and subgroups that have parts provided by that manufacturer. If a manufacturer does not provide parts in a particular group or subgroup, that manufacturer will not be listed in that group or subgroup.
    2. If you deactivate a manufacturer that you previously completed assigning your line codes or editing in group/subgroup configuration, all configuration you did in those later steps in this process will be retained, but the manufacturer will no longer appear in catalog parts lookup results unless you re-activate the manufacturer here in Manufacturer configuration.
    3. After saving changes to this screen, the next time it is displayed, manufacturers that you activated are displayed together at the top of the list before continuing with the deactivated list.
  3. At the top of the column that shows the activated (Green Check) or deactivated (Red X) manufacturers there is a dropdown field where you can select to display all manufacturers or just those that are either activated or deactivated.
  4. Click the arrow to the right of the Available header to sort the mfg. list globally in the reverse order than presently displayed.
  5. If you have more than one branch location on your site, then when you activate a manufacturer it is assigned to all of your branches by default. You can deactivate a manufacturer from some of your branches by clicking the Branch Configuration link. The Branch Configuration link is only available for active manufacturers. Note that the branch configuration screen is a pop up screen that displays on top of the manufacturer configuration screen. After making changes to this screen and clicking the Save button, this screen will close.
    1. To deactivate this manufacturer from one or more branches, click the green for the branch.
    2. To re-activate this manufacturer for a branch, click the red for that branch. It will change to a green .
    3. Click the Save button to save your changes or the cancel button to discard them and leave branches set as they were when you displayed this branch popup.

The next section in this setup guide describes the Supplier Line code Configuration screen – the second screen in default DCF configuration.

Supplier Line Code (Category) Configuration

After using Manufacturer Configuration to activate one or more manufacturers to display within the parts catalog, the next configuration step is to associate your own system inventory product line codes with each manufacturer. The Supplier Line Code Configuration screen is where you do this association.

Refer to the numbered locations in this screen shot as each is described. Unnumbered screen and page navigation features are described in the “Navigating the Default DCF Configuration Screens” section of this setup guide.

  1. Only the WHI catalog manufacturers that you activated in the Manufacturer Configuration screen will be displayed on the Supplier Line codes configuration screen. If a manufacturer you previously activated and configured your line code(s) to is subsequently deactivated in manufacturer configuration, it will no longer appear in this Supplier Line code Configuration screen, but the settings you previously assigned will be retained should you re-activate that manufacturer again in the future.
  2. The first time you activate a manufacturer in the manufacturer configuration, the supplier line will not show any categories. Here you will enter the categories you have associated with this manufacturer in Counterpoint. As well, you can select a default status (ON/OFF) for that supplier line/category.
  3. Here, you can also turn existing categories on/off for all applications by checking the line code and clicking the 'turn on' or 'turn off' buttons
  4. When you complete Supplier Line code Configuration for the first time, you will probably have a lot of manufacturers activated with your line codes associated with them. You can quickly see all of the manufacturer entries that have a particular line code associated with them by using the line code search box. As with other context sensitive searches, the list of manufacturers will narrow as you enter more characters in the line code search box.

The next section in this setup guide describes the Group / Subgroup Configuration screens – the final set of required screens in default DCF configuration.

Group / Subgroup Configuration

As soon as you have activated and saved at least one manufacturer with Manufacturer Configuration and associated one or more of your line codes with manufacturers in Supplier Line Code Configuration, the default screen displayed when you select Catalog Display Control from the Nexpart Admin main menu becomes the Group / Subgroup Configuration screen.


The WHI aftermarket catalog shows parts by vehicle year, make, model, and engine; and organizes those parts by vehicle application into major part groups. Each part group is further organized into application subgroups. This provides the catalog user with a list of parts for the specific application requested.

When you activate a manufacturer in Manufacturer Configuration and enable one or more of your inventory product linecodes to that manufacturer in Supplier Linecode Configuration, an entry for that association of manufacturer and line code is automatically assigned to every application group and subgroup where that manufacturer has parts in the catalog BUT they are disabled in all groups and subgroups by default. You will need to go into each group and subgroup where you want that manufacturer enabled and enable them.

Until you enable a newly assigned manufacturer in a group/subgroup, none of that manufacturer’s parts assigned to that catalog group and subgroup will display in catalog lookup results. As well, if you have not assigned the proper categories, or have overpopulated the categories then your pricing/availability may be skewed.

On the Group/Subgroup configuration main screen, to disable (or re-enable a previously disabled) manufacturer/line code entry for a particular group and subgroup, first click on the group. Then click the Subgroup. You can only work on one Group/Subgroup at a time.


The Group/Subgroup detail configuration screen for that group and subgroup will display. Refer to the numbered locations in the screen shot on the next page as each is described. Unnumbered screen and page navigation features are described in the “Navigating the Default DCF Configuration Screens” section of this setup guide.

  1. The group and subgroup you are currently configuring is displayed on the upper left side of the screen. It’s a good idea when the detail screen displays to double check that you didn’t click a different subgroup than you thought.
  2. If you want to deactivate or activate a product line code or multiple codes, click the checkbox(es) for that line code or codes and then click the 'turn off' or 'turn on' button. If the line code you deactivate is the only line code assigned to that manufacturer entry, deactivating it prevents all parts for that manufacturer in this subgroup from appearing in catalog results.
  3. This works in conjunction with the above
  4. On this screen, the save button does the same thing as on other screens. It saves any changes you have made and re-displays this screen. If you deactivated all of the line codes assigned to an entry, that entry continues to appear in this screen for this group and subgroup, but it appears beneath the still active manufacturer entries.
  5. The 'Save and Select' button saves your changes to this group/subgroup and then displays the
    group/subgroup selection screen. This is useful if you do not need to go through each of the subgroups for this group in sequence to make changes, but just need to pick certain groups and subgroups to change.
  6. The Cancel button discards any changes you have made to any of the pages for this group/subgroup and re-displays the group/subgroup selection screen. Think of this as a “start over” button if you get confused about what you have done in this group/subgroup and just want to start over from the last saved configuration.
  7. and 8. These two buttons are a quick way to save the changes you made to any of the pages for the displayed group/subgroup and move either back one subgroup or forward one subgroup within this same group. When you reach the first subgroup in this group using the button at #7, or the last subgroup using button #8, the next time you click that button, the group/subgroup selection screen is re-displayed.
  8. See above
  9. In catalog lookup result pages, a title bar is displayed for the manufacturer followed by the
    individual part number entries for that manufacturer ordered by part type. The sequence number for each entry in group/subgroup DCF configuration determines the order manufacturers will be displayed in the catalog lookup result pages.

    You can change the sequence by changing the sequence numbers. For example, to make
    Delphi display first in this example, change the sequence number for Delphi from 40 to a
    number lower than 10 (the lowest sequence number currently assigned to Beck/Arnley). When you click any of the buttons that save your changes, the entries in this group/subgroup will be re-ordered in the new sequence number ascending order and will automatically be re-assigned new sequence numbers by tens.

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