Frequently Asked Question

Application of the GST to Core Charges
Last Updated a year ago


Application of the GST to Core Charges from Canada Revenue Agency

Below are how the core sales and returns works on Counterpoint:

1. The presence of a PST number on the customer will exempt them from paying PST.

2. If the customer has a GST number on file and the Charge field is set to “Y” or space, the customer will pay GST on all purchases and will be refunded GST on returns INCLUDING cores.

3. If the GST Charge field is set to “N”, the customer will not pay GST on anything.

4. If the customer does NOT have a GST number and the charge field is set to “Y” or space, the customer will pay GST on all purchases and will be refunded GST on returns EXCLUDING cores that are returned after the original purchase. Cores returned on the same invoice as the product is sold on will include a GST refund.

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