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4. Stock Adjustments
Dernière mise à jour il y a 7 mois

New Generation RF Gun Keys

As a note, the newer generation RF Guns have on-screen touch buttons that can take the place of the legacy CTRL* keys

  • Change - Can be used in lieu of CTRL-C
  • Accept - Can be used in lieu of CTRL-A
  • Reject - Can be used in lieu of CTRL-R
  • Tab - Can be used in lieu of CTRL-I

4) Stk Adjustment


From the barcode field scan the item to be adjusted or press CTRL followed by C to enter by category and part number. Enter the adjustment type to be done:

  • 3= O/H Adjustment
  • 7= Physical Count Adjustment.

**NOTE: If you utilize multiple bin locations, option 7 of a physical count will be disabled as the option will reset onhands at a product level, not bin level.


Enter the quantity to be adjusted. If doing on hand adjustments you will have to enter the minus to reduce the current on hand. To enter a - for a negative value, you need to press the green "fn" button on the bottom left of the keyboard and then press the 'B' key

At the “Any change” prompt press CTRL followed by A to complete the entry or press CTRL followed by R to reject. The first CTRL will take you to the next bar code (part number) for adjustment. 

Optionally, you may be presented with the bin adjustment screen to help balance bins after a stock adjustment.


In this screen, you can take the adjustment total and rebalance the bins accordingly. The only requirement here is that the adjustments across the bins equal the total adjustments shown in the 'total' field. 

To adjust the quantity by bin, enter the line number in the prompt at the bottom, and change the qty accordingly. To enter a - for a negative value, you need to press the green "fn" button on the bottom left of the keyboard and then press the 'B' key

Based on the above example, we removed the original adjustment value from the firs from the first bin, and applied it to the second. Press 'Accept' to accept the change and move on to the next adjustment

To exit from this screen press CTRL followed by  from the barcode field. You will now be prompted to print the Stock Adjustment Journal Y or N

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