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1. Part Labels
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New Generation RF Gun Keys

As a note, the newer generation RF Guns have on-screen touch buttons that can take the place of the legacy CTRL* keys

  • Change - Can be used in lieu of CTRL-C
  • Accept - Can be used in lieu of CTRL-A
  • Reject - Can be used in lieu of CTRL-R
  • Tab - Can be used in lieu of CTRL-I

Price Labels & Part Labels

The introduction of multiple new label types has caused this menu to now be a sub-menu of the RF print routines. 

On newer systems, the 'Part Labels' menu option will launch a new menu:


1. Part/Price Labels

These labels will be printed on your company's standard label stock. 

*** If you have changed label stock size, you must run the calibrate option before printing***

The default label type is a price label printing price level set in the parameter file. If those options are satisfactory, press [Y]. If not, press [N] and then indicate which price level from the inventory control > file maintenance > product master maintenance is to be printed. These can be found on screen 2 options 55 and 56.

PRICE LEVEL                   
Correct type? Y/N  .        

At the barcode field scan the item that labels are required for, or press CTRL followed by C to enter the item by category and part number.

Enter the number of labels to be printed.

At the “Any change” prompt press CTRL followed by A to complete the entry or press CTRL followed by R to reject.

To exit from this screen press CTRL followed by R from the barcode field.

2. OOS / Tag Labels

This label will print on your company's secondary label stock. 

*** If you have changed label stock size, you must run the calibrate option  before printing***

label type          
      part label    
b/c  ...............
cat  ... ...........
part number         
qty  ....

Your cursor will begin in the barcode field. Scan the part, or press CTRL followed by C to enter the item by category and part number.

Enter the quantity of labels to be printed.

At the “Any change” prompt press CTRL followed by A to complete the entry or press CTRL followed by R to reject.

3. Pallet Labels

The pallet label is a label that will print on a standard 8x11" sheet of paper using the standard RF report printer selection.

These are meant to be printed and attached to a pallet prior to being lifted into a bin. This will allow you a larger label to convey information about the product wrapped on the pallet and the qty currently on the pallet


You will need to scan a barcode, or press tab and select part/category.

Once you have selected the information, you will be presented with the standard RF print menu and an 8"x11" sheet will print with the following pre-filled information:

  • Part Barcode
  • Category
  • Part Number
  • Description
  • Username currently logged in
  • An empty field with the heading 'Qty:' where you can handwrite the qty currently on the pallet

4. Configure QLN

This option allows you to send a command to the QLN printer that will auto-calibrate the label size of the labels currently in the printer.

This option MUST be run any time you change label sizes.

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