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Suspended Transactions
A revision has been made to the invoicing program that will allow a transaction to be SUSPENDED. This can be done manually using the Shift F7 key at the prompt or will be done automatically if there is any interuption during the creation of the invoice. These SUSPENDED transactions are saved based on “login ID”.
Any outstanding SUSPENDED transactions for a user will be displayed in the information window as the invoicing screen is opened. Alternatively, using the Shift F7 key at the Customer field will display any outstanding SUSPENDED transactions for a user. To retrieve any of these outstanding SUSPENDED transactions key in the line number shown on the screen. This will display the trasnaction as it was last saved and allow additional changes prior to invoicing. To bypass the outstanding SUSPENDED transaction press the F2 key at the “retrieve suspended transaction?” prompt.
Outstanding SUSPENDED transactions will also be displayed when exiting from the invoice screen to alert the user of their existence so they can be dealt with in a timely fashion.
If an “O”rder or an “Open invoice” is recalled the system will search for an outstanding SUSPENDED transaction for this and if one is found it will be displayed in the information window which will bring back the latest changes if recalled. If the SUSPENDED transaction is ignored it will be deleted so any subsequent changes made are not lost.
To remove any SUSPENDED transactions they can be recalled to the invoice screen and then the invoice rejected using F2.
To make the most effective use of this modification each user should have a unique login ID.