Frequently Asked Question

WHI - How to Set Up a Nexpart User
Last Updated 2 years ago

The first step in setting up a Nexpart customer is to ensure you have a nexpart 'Admin' user to use. If you do not, contact AMS and we can set one up for you.

Once you have a Nexpart admin user, you will want to begin by opening a web browser and going to

Once you have logged into the website, you will be presented with your main menu


To add a customer, click on the Customer Maintenance link. This should present you with a listing of all of your current customers. At the top right of your customer listing is an Add New link


Click this link and you will be presented with the screen to add a new account.


As noted on the screen, Items in "red" are required. In the Account ID, you will need to enter the COUNTERPOINT customer number for this customer (with leading zeros if applicable).

The following fields do not need to be entered, and are not used in any way:

  • Account Password
  • N/A
  • Fax

The following is a sample of a standard customer with required values filled in


Next, you may be presented with a listing of your branches. This screen is where you define in what order the customer purchases. Their servicing branch should be assigned with a 1 in the Sequence column, and any applicable lead times (not required). You can also opt to have the customer not order from the other branches by checking the 'view only' button. We suggest that you set all other branches to 'View Only', as this will ensure all orders are routed to the servicing branch Counterpoint already has mechanisms in place to notify you on the invoice as to where product should be sourced from.

Next, you select some of the specific customer options:


Again, as noted on the screen, Items in "red" are required. The main option here is to set the default branch. The other options can be tailored as you see fit.

After you continue on, you come to the stage of adding the user credentials for this customer. Usually, there should be some sort of a prefix set up to try and ensure that the users are all unique. This prefix is a default placeholder and can be modified. The key is just that the username needs to be unique.


Once you have set the user up, you will be shown a summary screen where you can click the Confirm Add Customer button.

Once the customer has been confirmed as added, you will be asked to set up a password. The password requirements must be followed, and pasting a password is not allowed on this screen.


Once the password is accepted and you click the Save button, you will be asked for that catalogue they should use


The default value here should always be OK. Press submit, and you are done. You will be redirected to the customer maintenance screen for the new customer.

From here, send the customer the username and password that you set up for them. If they are using Nexpart in an integrated method with their shop system, they should only need to enter those credentials in their shop system and be set. If they are going to use it via the website, they just need to browse to and sign in.

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