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What is the CARDEX?
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The Cardex file contains up to the minute information from any transaction that is completed on any software module within your system. The cardex file does not differentiate between stocked and non-stocked products. Even if a non-stock item is entered incorrectly, the cardex file will store the information for you to look at later on.

The cardex file is not connected in any way to any module within the CounterPoint suite. Its strength is that it is independent beyond recording transactions.

Accessing the Cardex inquiry can be done from within the Invoicing program, via the following menu path.

4. Sales Desk… > 5. Transaction Queries… > 4. Cardex


By entering “CARDEX” into the menu search routine and then selecting line 1

Either method results in the following screen (Shown after entry of Category, Part number, Branch and Activity Type)

Enter the Category, Part Number, Branch you wish to research and the Activity type you are looking for (leave Activity blank to see all activity – Click the dropdown arrow to see Activity Type Options).

Purchase History is driven by the Document number (called the file key). This is the computer generated number that uniquely identifies every transaction within the system and which is recorded during the creation of the activity log.

The data is displayed in reverse cronological order with the most recent transaction being displayed at the top of the page. If you need to move further back in time, hitting (N)ext will display the previous 17 transactions.

When you locate the transaction of interest, assuming it originated on an invoice or similar document (as opposed to say a manual Inventory adjustment), you can display the originating document by entering the line number that the document is displayed on.

If the information you seek was not generated in such a way as to be reproducable you may able to further research what you are looking for by taking the (L)og option which results in a screen similar to the following.

This is a display of activity generated from within programs that do not produce documents such as Product master maintenance or manual price changes etc. If you want more detail on a given transaction enter the line number (eg 16) which produces a screen similar to the following.

This screen shows the viewer the date and time that the change was made, what field was affected, which terminal the process was run from, who was logged into that workstation, and what program was run. It also shows what the data was at the start of the process on the first line (ie EACH 0019.66) and what the data was at the end of the process (ie Roll 0019.47)

When you have finished with the screen hit return to close it.

In summary the Cardex system provides a complete audit trail of any and all activity that affects both stocked and non stocked products. As such it can be an invaluable tool for understanding what is going on within your operation.

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