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Vendor File Maintenance
The Vendor file contains the names, addresses, and phone/fax numbers of your main suppliers of either products or services. This file is used and updated by the Transaction and Auto-Cheque functions. The TAB SET function is used to indicate which specific field number is to be changed for quick processing of multiple vendors.
Enter in a vendor number that is up to 6 numbers in length. The vendor number may only be a numeric number. You may enter the number with or without leading zeros; there is no difference to the system between entering 000509 and just 509. Your vendor number should be the same as your supplier number in Purchase Order.
Enter in the company name of the vendor as you wish it to appear on cheques and reports.
Enter in the address for the vendor as you wish to it to appear on cheques and reports.
Enter the postal code exactly in the format you wish, there is no formatting for this field so if you prefer spaces, you must enter them. For American suppliers, the zip code may be entered with or without dashes as you prefer.
Enter in the phone number without spaces or dashes. The phone number entered as 4445556666 will be displayed and printed as (444) 555-6666 during entry and on reports.
Enter the fax number in the same manner as the phone number.
Purch ytd
# of purch
Last purch
Memos ytd
# of memos
These fields are normally not changed by the user, however, during initial set-up; you may be required to make entries or changes. These fields are updated by transactions and cheques made to this vendor.
Hold expiry
These fields display the hold status of the account that has been set in Automatic Cheque Processing. They are not accessible from this screen.
Fin year end
Enter the day and month of the vendor’s fiscal year end in this reference field (for info only).
Disc taken
Disc lost
These fields are updated from Transactions and Cheques associated with this vendor and should not be accessed without advice from AMS. If prompt payment terms are in place and cheques have been issued in time to qualify for those discounts, then the amount of the discount is applied to the Discount Taken field. On the other hand, if prompt payment terms apply and the cheque to the vendor has not been in time to qualify for that discount, that amount is recorded in the Discount Lost field.
G/L dist acct
If the part or service purchased from this vendor is always applied or expensed to the same General Ledger account, enter the number here. During Transaction Input, pressing [Enter] in the distribution area will default to this account number, reducing the number of keystrokes required.
Pmt due day
Depending on how the Parameter file is set-up, this field either indicates the number of days old that an invoice should be before payment is required, (example 30 days old) or on which day of the month following the invoice is due (proximo terms, example the 15th of the next month). The due date for an individual invoice can be changed during Transaction Input.
Discount 1
Discount 2
Disc incl GST
Gst rate
These fields control how the prompt payment discounts work for you with this vendor. When the invoice is paid prior to the discount date entered during Transaction Input, these are the default discount amounts that will be applied to the invoice. Normally, discounts do not apply to the gross value of an invoice, but the net of GST amount of the invoice.
Edi vendor
Edi always
Reserved for future use
When the vendor has been entered, the system will ask if the same company should be set up in Purchasing as a supplier. If this is a vendor that is used to purchase goods for re-sale, reply [y] to be taken to Purchasing to enter the remainder of the information.