Question fréquemment posée
First, you need to know what ROA payments were taken at the till yesterday. You can use the:
Invoice Register that is automatically printed from End of Day, looking for ‘Payment’ or the Payment Register that is automatically printed from End of Day or the Unapplied Cash Listing from 1. Accounts Receivable > 4. Transaction Processing > 5. Cash Receipts Processing…. > 5. Unapplied Cash Listing
The advantage to reading the Invoice Register is that you may also discover errors being made by countermen. Remember that the last column on the Invoice Register shows HOW the payment was made. No payment entry should have “A” as the Pay type.
If you wish to use the Unapplied Cash Listing, then go to 1. Accounts Receivable… > 4. Transaction Processsing… >5. Cash Receipts Processing… > 5. Unapplied Cash Listing and print the report.
Alternately you can also use the Menu Search with the search term “Unapplied”.
Next, determine which method you’d like to use for applying the payment to the outstanding invoices on the account.
Option 1
Use this option if you don’t need a printed record of what you have done.
- Accounts Receivable… > 4. Transaction Processsing… > 5. Cash Receipts Processing… > 4. Apply unapplied cash
Which will bring up the following screen;
Enter the customer number, the total unapplied cash amount will be displayed.
F1 to accept the defaulted amount or change the amount to be allocated by changing that field at the ‘Any change’ prompt. The difference between the unapplied and to allocate amounts will remain unapplied.
Choose the invoices you wish to ‘pay’, mark them with Y and then either press [ENTER] to accept the defaulted amount, or enter in the amount you wish to pay. As soon as the to allocate amount is 0.00 you can F1 to accept.
If there is an amount to allocate left over and you want to leave it unapplied, then at the ‘which line’ prompt, press F1 to accept your work.
You are informed that you are out of balance - press [ENTER], then change the header amount for the amount to be allocated to what you actually allocated.
Option 2
Use this option if you do want a printed record of what you have done, or if there are discounts taken with the payment.
- Accounts Receivable > 4. Transaction Processing… > 5. Cash Receipts Processing… > 1. Cash Receipts Input > 1 Add receipts
Which Brings up the following screen.
Enter the customer number, date and if you wish a reference, then enter 0.00 as the amount received. Accept the entry with F1, the amount to allocate will be 0.00.
These steps can also be used when recording payments received in the office. If that is the case, then the amount received will be the amount of the cheque/payment.
In the UNAPPLIED line, enter in the amount of the unapplied cash you want to allocate, making sure you use the – sign. The amount to allocate will be updated.
Pay the invoices as you would with a normal cash receipt entry.
If the customer has paid from a statement and taken an early payment discount, enter the discount (Don’t use the – because the field is already negative) on the first invoice line that you are paying with an amount due of more than the discount amount. You still enter the full amount of the invoice being paid.
When all the invoices have been paid, the ‘left to allocate’ figure should be 0.00 again.
Accept the entry with F1 and post/update using 1. Accounts Receivable… à 4. Transaction Processing… à 5. Cash Receipts Processing à 3. Cash Receipts Update.
Remember to print BOTH the posting register and the GL SUMMARY reports.