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Complete RF Gun User Guide
Dernière mise à jour il y a 2 ans

Login and password

The standard login of the RF gun is [rf]. Multiple store installations or sites with more than 1 rf gun will have custom logins that you will be advised of at the time of install.  The password matches the login.

Also, printers must be assigned to any RF logins so reports can be directed to the proper area. NOTE: The Report Viewer is not available when generating reports using an RF Gun.

Control Keys

CTRL A = to accept an entry

CTRL C = to switch between the barcode and part number fields

CTLR F = to move cursor to order quanity

CTRL I = to display last 12 months purchases

CTRL R = to reject an entry

RF Processing menu

| RF Processing    |
| 1) Price Labels  |
| 2) Stock Check   |
| 3) Receive P.O.'s|
| 4) Stk Adjustment|
| 5) Stk Chk & S/O |
| 6) Set Min. O/H  |
| 7) Barcode Switch|
| 8) Physical Count|
| 9) Rush Receiving|
| Q)uit            |

Enter ([1-9],Q): q  

To select one of these options, enter the corresponding number.

1) Price Labels    

The default label type is a price label printing price level set in the parameter file.  If those options are satisfactory, press [Y].  If not, press [N] and then indicate which price level from inventory control à file maintenance à product master maintenance is to be printed. These can be found in screen 2 options 55 and 56.

PRICE LEVEL                   
Correct type? Y/N  .        

At the barcode field scan the item that labels are required for, or press CTRL followed by C to enter the item by category and part number.

Enter the quantity of labels to be printed.

At the “Any change” prompt press CTRL followed by A to complete the entry or press CTRL followed by R to reject.

To exit from this screen press CTRL followed by R from the barcode field.

2) Stock Check  (this is an information screen only)

cat  ... ...........
part ............   
b/c  ...............
supp ..........     
remarks   loc ......
pkg .... type ......
lst purch ..../../..
lst sale  ..../../..
o/h ...... o/o......
min ...... max......
price 1 .........   
price 6 .........   

From the barcode field scan the item or press CTRL followed by C to enter the item by category and part number. If there is more than one category, you will be prompted to make a category entry. The item information will be displayed. Press ENTER to clear the screen.

To exit from this screen press CTRL followed by R from the barcode field.

3) Receive O/S P.O.

This option will list all of the outstanding Purchase orders on the system and will allow you to select one to be received. To select a P.O. simply select one of the three options, 0=PO, 3=NEXT and 9= QUIT. When you use option 0 you will be prompted to enter the PO number. The P.O. number to be received does not have to be displayed on the screen to enter the P.O. number. CTLR followed by R will take you back to the main menu.

NOTE: The PO Listing screen can be bypassed if desired. Contact AMS to alter the menu to go to the second screen to enter the PO Number with freight, brokerage and other costs

105053 NTN BEARING C   
105312 FLEETSPEC       
106325 MODERN SALES    
106372 MODERN SALES    
106771 DANA HEAVY VE   
106833 ZF CV SYSTEMS   
106923 MODERN SALES    
106931 GLOBAL PARTS-   
106933 GLOBAL PARTS-   
107041 DANA HEAVY VE   
107252 ZF CV SYSTEMS   
107253 BENDIX CVS CA   
0=PO,3=Next,9=Quit N   

When a PO Number has been selected the supplier will be displayed with the option to enter the freight, brokerage and other cost values.

po#  111346          
freight     .........
brokerage         .00
other costs       .00

The first question to be answered in the third screen is if you wish to use “Autoscan” Y or N.. The use of “Autoscan” prompts you to scan each item and it defaults the received quantity to 1 unit for each scan and then goes back to the barcode field for the next scan. Alternatively, if “Autoscan” is turned off N you will be prompted for a quantity each time you scan an item. You will have to accept each entry with CTRL followed by A.

If you are using the “Autoscan” mode you can correct the quantity after the item is scanned by pressing Tab or CTRL I. After entering the new quantity press CTRL A at “Any change” to accept the entry.

When not using Autoscan, the cursor will go to the “received” field after the barcode is scanned waiting for a quantity to be entered. The quantity entered will be ADDED to any previous quantity received. A negative quantity received can be used to correct an error.

If the quantity received is excess of the total quantity ordered for that part a message will display “Over-receive?(Y/N) Y”

po#  111364         
#lines/OS    6/    4
b/c  ...............
cat  ... ...........
PO line#     .....  
units ord'rd ...... 
units rec'vd ...... 
back-ordered .      
received     ...... 
Autoscan?          N

If the part scanned is to be cross docked to other branches a message will display near the bottom of the screen “CROSS DOCK” so the user can separate these parts for splitting to the branches during the update.

po#  111384         
#lines/OS    6/    6
b/c  700002354940   
PO line#         1  
units ord'rd    24  
units rec'vd        
back-ordered Y      
received     ...... 
CROSS DOCK                   

Pressing CTRL A at the barcode will start the completion process where you will be asked “update now?” where the options are Y or N. When answered with an “N” the user is asked if they wish to print the Edit List.

When starting the update, the next option is to enter the invoice number.

If the PO included parts for cross dock, these parts will be shown with the split quantities for each location. This information is to be used to separate the parts received for the various locations. If the part is not received in full the user will need to allocate the quantity received to the locations based on their needs. The quantity allocated to a branch CANNOT exceed the original quantity ordered. If a branch requires more than has been ordered for them, a manual transfer will need to be created to send the additional amount.

cat GAB order    56 
rec    56           
         split   56 
br order  o/h  split
01    18    5    18 
02     0    0       
03     8    0     8 
05     0    8       
06    30    9    30 
08     0   25       
09     0    0       
10     0    0       

After all of the quantity splits have been reviewed the update process will begin and the various update reports printed. Also, Stock Transfers for the split quantities will be printed during the update process.

4) Stk Adjustment

b/c  ............... 
cat  ... ........... 
part ............    
on hand   ......     
on order  ......     
defective ......     
type .    ...........
       3 = o/h adj   
       5 = sales     
       7 = phy count 
qty  ......          
cust ......          

From the barcode field scan the item to be adjusted or press CTRL followed by C to enter by category and part number. Enter the adjustment type to be done.  3= O/H Adjustment, 5= Sale Adjustment and 7= Physical Count Adjustment. If field 5 is entered you must enter a customer number.

Enter the quantity to be adjusted. If doing on hand adjustments you will have to enter the minus to reduce the current on hand.

At the “Any change” prompt press CTRL followed by A to complete the entry or press CTRL followed by R to reject. The first CTRL will take you to the next bar code (part number) for adjustment. To exit from this screen press CTRL followed by R from the barcode field. You will now be prompted to print the Stock Adjustment Journal Y or N.

5) Stk Chk & S/O (walk about purchasing)

Walk-About Purchasing

New functionality has been added to the RF unit.  STK CHK & SO (Stock Check and Suggested Order) is now available from menu item #5.  This programme allows the viewing of inventory information and will also create suggested orders by vendor / by category. This file will be stored in your purchasing menu under Purchasing > Suggested Order Processing > Suggested Order Maintenance. The orders will be listed by Vendor number with a W (for walkabout) preceding.


Stock Check

When an item is scanned, information on the item such as category, part number, supplier number, remarks, package quantity are shown as well as the last purchase date, last sale date, price 6 and quantities for on hand, on order and min/max.

If the item is contained on an existing Suggested Order, the total suggested quantity is shown as well and will increase by a quantity of 1 (one) each time that item is scanned.

If the order quantity needs to be changed or corrected, CTRL-F will allow the desired quantity to be entered.  If the sales history of that item is required, TAB will display the last twelve months’ sales.  CTRL-C will change the entry method from bar code to category/part number. 

Suggested Orders

As items are scanned, the system will automatically create Suggested Orders for multiple vendors. If the item cannot be scanned a CTRL followed by C will move the cursor to the part number field so a manual entery may be entered, CTRL followed by F will move the cursor to the order quantity field. CTRL followed by I will display the last 12 months purchases.  The Suggested Order number is created from the last five digits of the supplier number listed on the part number record in Inventory Control à file maintenance à product master maintenance and prefixed with a “W” (for walk-about).  If a suggested order already exists with that same number, the user is asked whether to  ‘append or overwrite’ (A/O).

If the same Suggested Order is being accessed from another station, a message of S/O Wxxxxx in use is shown on the RF unit.  [Enter] or [Y] will attempt to re-open it, [N] exits without any update to the Suggested Order or the Product record for on order quantity.

Scanning a part number without a vendor number will create a separate Suggested Order, WNOSUP.  The Suggested Order can be processed and sent to the supplier.  It is recommended that the supplier number should then be added in inventory control à file maintenance à Product Master Maintenance so that the next time the item is scanned, the correct supplier will be used.

When all required items have been scanned and the Suggested Orders created, use Purchasing à Suggested Order Maintenance to recall each Suggested Order beginning with “W” in order to make further changes and / or eventually convert the Suggested Order into a Purchase Order.

6) Minimum O H  

b/c  ...............
cat  ... ...........
part ............   
minimum ......      
maximum ......      
reorder .           

This option will allow you to maintain the minimum, maximum and reorder allowed for your location. To enter by category and line code press CTRL followed by C.

Scan the barcode for the item. At the “Any change” prompt press enter to go to the minimum, enter the changes or press enter. Continue through the maximum and reorder fields in the same manner.

When at the “Any change” prompt press CTRL followed by A to complete the entry or press CTRL followed by R to reject.

To exit from this screen press CTRL followed by R from the barcode field.

7) Barcode Switch

cat    ... ........ 
 part  ............ 
old b/c ............
new b/c ............

The Barcode Switch option allows you to correct the Barcodes in the system to the actual barcodes that are on the items. The part number will have to be typed in from the keypad then the existing barcode will be displayed. Scan the new barcode to make the change and press CTRL followed by A.

8) R.F. Physical Counts

A new option on the RF gun menu has been created to perform Physical Stock Counts using the RF gun.

Prior to using the RF physical counts, the allowable variance should be setup in the Physical Count Parameters. This is found via Inventory Control à Physical Inventory à Parameter Maintenance. This parameter is used during the count process where the variance of the quantity counted and the computer on hand is greater than this parameter the user will be advised so they can verify the count before updating.

The Physical count option has been added to the menu used on the RF gun.

When selecting this option, the following screen will display.

b/c  ............... 
cat  ... ........... 
part ............    
bin  ......          
o/h  ......          
counted  ......      
Autoscan?          .

The “Autoscan?” question must be answered before starting with a Y or an N followed by ENTER. The meaning of Autoscan = “Y” is to scan each item counted and the system will keep adding 1 for each time an item is scanned and “N” is to scan the item and then enter the amount on the numeric keypad of the RF gun.

If the selection of Autoscan is Y:

Start scanning the items.

When you go to scan the next SKU, if the previous item was outside the allowable variance, it will be displayed on the screen with the message “Over variance”. The options are “Y” to update the item with the quantity scanned, “N” to not do the update or “C” to continue and then deal with this item later during this count session. Items scanned but not completed will not be updated in the inventory.

Once the selection is made the next item scanned will be displayed.

The use of the TAB key will allow you to change the quantity manually.

To switch to enter an item by part number on the keypad press CTRL C from the barcode field.

If you go back and scan and item that has already been counted and updated during this session the original on hand and the previous count will be displayed.

If you go back and scan an item that was previously counted where the “C” was selected the previous count will be displayed. If you are counting the item in a second section this will add to your original count.

To change the method of entry from Autoscan Y press CTRL R on the keypad at the barcode field.

To exit from the screen completely press CTRL R on the keypad from the Autoscan question. When exiting from the count screen the Cyclic Inventory Count Journal will be printed showing the changes made during this session with the value of these changes. These variances will be posted to the General Ledger Inventory accounts and the Variance account from the GL Autopost Maintenance.

To view what these GL Accounts are set to you would go to Inventory Control à File Maintenance à Category Maintenance, call up the category in question and the Inventory GL account will be shown on screen. The Variance account is seen via Sales Desk Control à File Maintenance à G L Autopost Account Maintenance, the variance account.

These adjustments are posted to the GL at average cost or last cost/price 6 based on the setting in your billing parameter file, Sales Desk Control à File Maintenance à Parameter File Maintenance à Screen 2 à invoice costing, A = average cost & L = price 6.

The GL update will happen with the next parts end of day and will be included with the GL Summary Edit List.

If the selection of Autoscan is N:

Scan the item, then enter the quantity on the keypad followed by Enter.

If the quantity entered is outside the variance parameter the message “Over variance”. The options are “Y” to update the item with the quantity scanned, “N” to not do the update or “C” to continue and then deal with this item later during this count session. Items scanned but not completed will not be updated in the inventory.

Scan the next item.

To switch to enter an item by part number on the keypad, press CTRL C from the barcode field.

If the item scanned has been counted already during this session the original on hand and the previous count will be displayed.

If an item is recalled (that was previously counted) the new quantity entered will REPLACE the previous quantity, not add to it.

To change the method of entry from Autoscan Y press CTRL R on the keypad at the barcode field.

To exit from the screen completely press CTRL R on the keypad from the Autoscan question.

When exiting from the count screen the Cyclic Inventory Count Journal will be printed showing the changes made during this session with the value of these changes. These variances will be posted to the General Ledger Inventory accounts and the Variance account from the GL Autopost Maintenance.

To view what these GL Accounts are set to you would go to Inventory Control à File Maintenance à Category Maintenance, call up the category in question and the Inventory GL account will be shown on screen. The Variance account is seen via Sales Desk Control à File Maintenance à G L Autopost Account Maintenance, the variance account.

These adjustments are posted to the GL at average cost or last cost/price 6 based on the setting in your billing parameter file, Sales Desk Control à File Maintenance à Parameter File Maintenance à Screen 2 à invoice costing, A = average cost & L = price 6.

The GL update will happen with the next parts end of day and will be included with the GL Summary Edit List.


The inventory is updated with the quantity scanned, it is not an adjustment + or –.

The inventory is updated immediately when you are finished scanning the item

9: Rush Receiving

Optional Matching Input

If you are utilizing the Counterpoint AP Matching module, your rush receiving screen will present you with some key matching fields prior to entering the rush receiving process. As with the regular rush receiving process, a valid PIN is required to access this screen.

rf receiving         
PKslip# ............ 
invnum# ............ 
track # ......       
freight ..........   
brkg.   ..........   
other   ..........   
pin ?

When keying information into this screen, the key components are:

  • Pkslip# - This should be the vendor's packing slip
  • invnum# - This is the Vendor's invoice number
  • Track# - This is your own internal PO number

Not all of these fields are required, but a match on any one of them will provide a match in the AP matching process.

You are also given the option to add in Freight, Brokerage and Other costs.

NOTICE - As these are used in the AP matching process, a typo can cause a match to fail.

Rush Receiving

    manual receiving 
p/slip# ............ 
track # ......       
b/c  ............... 
cat  ... ........... 
qty  ......          
supp ...... ........ 
cost    .........    
core    .........    
levy .. .........    
pin ?                

The RF Rush receiving screen first requires a valid PIN # be entered.

If using the AP matching module, the p/slip# and track # fields will auto-populate with the values entered in the prior screen. If you are not, then the packing slip or invoice number should be entered.

The “Autoscan?” question must be answered before starting with a Y or an N followed by ENTER. The meaning of Autoscan = “Y” is to scan each item counted and the system will keep adding 1 for each time an item is scanned and “N” is to scan the item and then enter the amount on the numeric keypad of the RF gun.

The use of Autoscan in Rush Receiving is the same as PO Receiving and Physical Counts where Autoscan =Y requires a scan of each part and Autoscan =N requires the quantity to be entered for each item.

If the CTRL followed by C option is used to enter by category and part number a prompt will appear “add barcode?(Y/N)” If “Y” is used you will be prompted to scan the barcode on the item and this new barcode will be added as an alternate barcode.

When all entries are complete use CTRP followed by R to exit. A prompt will display for “Print Journal?” using the default set in the Billing Parameters. If the Journal is printed it will automatically be sent to the printer, they is no option to view in the Report Viewer when using an RF Gun.

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