Frequently Asked Question

How do I add a customer?
Last Updated 3 years ago

1. Accounts Receivable … à 1. Data Maintenance… à 1. Customers  à  Select  Add/Change/Delete as appropriate

Which brings up the following screen;


When adding new customers, first specify the customer number to be used.  In 9. System Utilities…à 3. System Setup… à 1. Accounts Receivable… à 1. System Parameters  Field 28 Default A/R Type  the type of customer code is selected. (A for alphanumeric is recommended).  Enter the code in exactly as the countermen will enter it during sales invoicing.  For example, using a leading-zero here will mean that the countermen will have to as well.   (000500 here requires 000500 in sales/invoicing)  Start with a number greater than 100, since accounts numbered less than 100 have special uses.  (See Analysis number later on in this section)  

Once entered, the customer code may not be changed, although the entire customer record may be deleted under the correct circumstances.

Any of the remaining fields may be changed after initial entry.


Bill to

Enter these fields in the format to be printed on invoices and statements.  Use the 4th line of the Bill-to field for the customer’s postal code. 

AR method

Enter in either O (open item) or B (balance forward).  If you want to be able to track payments to individual invoices, choose O, if any payment applied will be on the oldest balance, choose B.



Enter these fields in the format to be printed on invoices and statements.  The phone and fax numbers are to be entered without any formatting and will print with dashes between the sections.


Enter in the primary contact for this customer.



These optional fields are used in Sales Analysis reports to separate the customers into smaller user-defined groupings.

Start Date

Pressing enter will default the date to today’s date

Gst License #

Pst License #

Enter in the customer’s EXEMPTION number for GST and PST (not the registration number)


Enter in any remarks to display on the Customer Inquiry and Customer Analysis screens.

Default Shipper

Enter in the customer’s preferred method of shipping.

Standing PO

If the customer wishes to have one PO for all purchases within a given time, enter it here.  It will be the default to the PO field in Sales/Invoicing.

Start    Enter Start Date for Date limited PO

End    Enter End Date for Date Limited PO

Industry type

Press TAB to search for the appropriate industry that has previously been set up, select the line number of the one you desire to copy it back to the field.

Default payment Terms

Use TAB to search for valid terms that have previously been set up, select the line number of the type you desire to copy it back to the field.

Account control flags

Select all those options which apply, continue pressing enter when finished until the next field is reached.  The options are:

$ - COD customer

P – Purchase Order is required

U – US dollar account

B – No backorders

Y – Price the Packing Slip

# - Add this customer to the special sales reports (by Territory, Selected Customers, and Category)

Overdue Control flags

In the parameter file, you have already indicated whether an overdue status on the account will result in HOLD or COD, this field determines the number days overdue the account must be in order to activate either the HOLD or COD.  1=30 days, 2=60 days, 3=90 days.  If you wish to ignore the overdue days, use 0 or 9.

Sales summ #

The sales summary number is used for those customers who do not require individual Sales Analysis Reporting, perhaps due to volume or frequency of purchases.   

In order to use this field, you must have first set up a (summary) customer record, using a customer number of less than 100.  Perhaps your clientele consists of a number of smaller accounts within one section and while the sales for each individual customer may not be of significance, when grouped together, the volume or value would be considerable.  If you wish to have this customer’s sales merged with those of like types, enter the customer number of your summary account.

Allow Contract pricing

If this customer has, or will have a contract-pricing schedule, reply Y

Global Discount type

If you have a special pricing matrix set up already, use the TAB to search for the appropriate discount grouping, select the line number of the one you desire to copy it back to the field.

Credit limit

This is the maximum amount of credit this customer is authorized for.


Enter in COD if this is a cash only customer, or HOLD if the customer is not permitted to purchase without approval from the office.

Allow Prompt pay discount (ie 2% 10 net 30)

Number of days


If you wish to give this customer special terms for early payment of invoices, enter Y, the number of days and percentage of the discount.


Is this customer to receive a statement at month-end?

Service charge

Is the customer to be charged a service charge on over-due amounts?

ME Invoice copies

If the customer requires additional invoice copies to accompany the statement, enter the number of extra copies required here.

Redirect to

This is used to combine several accounts to one customer account to simplify processing.  If a customer has several accounts but wants to receive only one statement, or remits payment for multiple locations with one cheque from a head office, then use this field to indicate the customer number of the ‘main’ account.

Upon completing all required and optional entries you will be presented with additional set up options at the bottom of the screen as shown below.


Selecting (P)ricing will take you to the customer pricing setup program as shown below.


As a minimum is is recommended that you take the Add option and set up the All Categories Option with the desired price level and discount. This one entry will provide consistant pricing on all product lines. Over time as the relationship with the customer becomes more established you may want to provide additional discount structure for specific lines as shown in the example above. Upon completion Hit F1 to accept and then enter Q which will return you to the Customer master Maintenance screen.

Having completed the customers pricing setup there is one more optional set up piece that you may want to consider, that being the (E)DI option at the bottom of the Customer Master Maintenance Screen. Selecting this option brings up the following screen


Selecting (A)dd brings up the following Screen


Having determined that the new customer is willing to accept Statement, Invoices, Quotations and/or Invoice Reprints by either fax or E-mail use this screen to set up his account to allow for this.

Type  - Select S,O,I,Q,H or R as appropriate to what you are setting up on this line,

Next Field – Enter (E)-Mail or (F)ax as appropriate to how the customer wished to receive these documents.

Next Field – Having selected either E or F enter the E-mail of Fax number as Appropriate.

Remarks – Enter a meaningful remark to allow subsequent users to see what the intention was for this entry. Upon completion hit F1 to accept the line and position the cursor on the next line.

Repeat this process until all desired lines are entered at which point your screen will look something like that shown below. Hit F1 to accept the screen, then Q to return to the Customer Maint. Screen. Hit F1 to Accept the now complete Customer Master record and exit the program.


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