Question fréquemment posée

How do I cancel or retire a delivery?
Dernière mise à jour il y a 2 ans

  • Cancelling invoices is done from the Invoice Dispatch menu option
  • 4. Sales Desk > 7. Driver Dispatch > 1. Invoice Dispatch
  • Enter a Run number or press Enter
  • Enter a Driver code to have the invoices displayed.
  • Click on the Retire button at the top of the screen
  • Click on the invoice number to be confirmed or enter the invoice number followed by Enter.
  • The various reason codes for retiring the invoice will be displayed on the right of the Green box. Click on the appropriate description
  • Once you accept the selections, cancellation notices are sent to the jDispatch mobile app and Dashboard. If the customer had multiple deliveries, the driver will be able to show them that the invoice was cancelled, and any signature they provide will not be assigned to the cancelled invoice.

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