Frequently Asked Question
New Generation RF Gun Keys
As a note, the newer generation RF Guns have on-screen touch buttons that can take the place of the legacy CTRL* keys
- Change - Can be used in lieu of CTRL-C
- Accept - Can be used in lieu of CTRL-A
- Reject - Can be used in lieu of CTRL-R
- Tab - Can be used in lieu of CTRL-I
- Flip - Can be used in lieu of CTRL-f
YE Phys. Count
RF System Parameters
A few of the standard Physical count parameters as well a couple of new parameters have been introduced in the 6. Inventory > 6. Physical Inventory > 2. RF Year End Counts > 1. Parameters Maintenance screen for use with the RF physical count process.
2. Print On Hand (Y/N) - For the RF Counts, this should be set to a N so that the initial count process is run as a 'blind' count
12. Variance Count Threshold - The user will be notified with an audible beep of any variances between the current onhand and the entered amount that exceed this number. This is to alert when possibly scanning a barcode from the wrong field.
20. Allowable Update Variance Percentage - When running the final count update, a variance percentage of the total count value that is higher than this percentage will not be allowed. The update process will instead return an error
21. RF Inventory Count # - This is the current count number being used and referenced on the RF guns.
Count Files
The Physical count option has been added to the menu used on the RF gun.
When selecting this option, the following screen will display.
Access to these screens is based on what the current RF Inventory Count # parameter is set.
Count # 1 - Initial Count. This is the first "blind" inventory count and is accessed via option 1
Count # 2-9 - Variance Counts. These counts are to begin once a full blind count for all items is complete. Each phase of the variance counts will start off by only showing items where the last count did not match the previous. Once an item is counted during a variance phase, it will also be removed from the variance list until the count # has been incremented. Following variance counts will follow the same rules where they initially only show items where there are not yet 2 counts of the same value and will only show until they are counted.
Count # 10-99 - Manager Counts. These counts will show all items where the last count (even items with 2 counts of the same value) does not match the system's expected onhand. This is for your senior counters to review and confirm the variance.
Count File Creation
The overall functions of the counts via the RF gun utilize a similar 'count file' as the pervious paper driven physical count process.
A new option on the RF gun menu has been created to perform Physical Stock Counts using the RF gun.
Prior to using the RF physical counts, a full inventory count file must be run. To do this, you can use one of the following options:
- 6. Inventory > 6. Physical Inventory > 2. RF Year End Counts > 2. RF Count File Create... > 1. All Categories.
- 6. Inventory > 6. Physical Inventory > 2. RF Year End Counts > 2. RF Count File Create... > 1. All Categories - By Bin
This will create a complete count file for all items in inventory that will be used by the RF physical count routine.
As a part of the count process, it is advised to print off edit lists at the end of each count phase so that you have an audit of the entire count.
An edit list is also created during the update process as a final confirmation of counts.
6. Inventory > 6. Physical Inventory > 2. RF Year End Counts > 3. RF Count Edit List
Here you can assign the following parameters:
- Optionally select a category (enter to select all)
- Required to define if you want only variances (Y/N)
- Optionally select a starting bin to report on
- Optionally select an ending bin to report on
*** NOTE: Each time the edit list is run, 2 files are saved off in .csv format to Z:\html\ip1
- Count Sheets. This will be saved off as a by-product of creating the count files. The file will be saved as DATE_BRANCH_COUNTSHEETS_COUNTNUMBER_TIME_LOGIN.csv. This report will have the following info:
- Count logs. These are saved upon the completion of any count session and will be saved under a sub-directory called CountLogs_YYYMMDD. Within this directory the file will be saved as DATE_BRANCH_COUNTLOG_COUNTNUMBER_TIME_LOGIN.csv. This report will have the following info:
- Category
- Category Description
- Part Number
- Description
- Shelf
- Shelf Onhand
- Counted
- Last Counted
- Count #
- Date
- Time
- Session ID
- Login
- The count edit list. This will be saved as DATE_BRANCH_EDITLIST_COUNTNUMBER_TIME_LOGIN.csv. This report lists the following info:
- Category
- Part
- Description
- Location
- On Hand
- Warning (Multiple Bins Available)
- Counted Qty
- Variance Qty
- Variance %
- Last Cost
- Avg Cost
- Date Scanned
- Scanned By
- Terminal used
- Updated/Verified?
- Count #
- The counts by bin. his will be saved as DATE_BRANCH_BINCOUNT_COUNTNUMBER_TIME_LOGIN.csv
- Category
- Part
- Description
- On Hand Qty
- Counted Qty
- Variance Qty
- Variance %
- Variance Dollars
- Bin 1 Location
- Bin 1 On Hand
- Bin 1 Counted Qty
- Bin 1 Variance
- These bin locations are then repeated up to 12 times.
GL Accounting
All count variances will be posted to the General Ledger Inventory accounts and the Variance account from the GL Autopost Maintenance.
To view what these GL Accounts are set to you would go to 6. Inventory Control > 1. File Maintenance > 1. Category Maintenance, call up the category in question and the Inventory GL account will be shown on screen.
The Variance account is seen via 5. Sales Desk Control > 1. File Maintenance > 8. G L Autopost Account Maintenance, the variance account.These adjustments are posted to the GL at average cost or last cost/price 6 based on the setting in your billing parameter file, Sales Desk Control > File Maintenance > Parameter File Maintenance > Screen 2 > invoice costing; A = average cost & L = price 6.
The GL update will happen when the entire count is updated
Counting Inventory
1. First Count
First, you must enter a valid clerk pin. Next, The “Autoscan?” question must be answered before starting with a Y or an N followed by ENTER. The meaning of Autoscan = “Y” is to scan each item counted and the system will keep adding 1 for each time an item is scanned and “N” is to scan the item and then enter the amount on the numeric keypad of the RF gun.
During the scan process these options cause a couple of differences, but overall the process will be the same. The key differences are:
- When using autoscan='Y', you can scan every item, so the quantity field is not entered into. If you need to change the quantity, you can press the Tab key to change the qty as noted by the prompt:
- When using autoscan='N', you will be placed into the qty field to manually key the quantity counted.
Now, you can begin scanning the items.
If there is no barcode, you can switch to enter an item by part number on the keypad by pressing the onscreen "change" button, or CTRL C from the barcode field.
When you scan your first item, you will initially be placed in the bin location field. This is in order to confirm what bin location you are starting to scan. While the primary bin location will default into the field, it is strongly recommended to scan the location sticker to validate.
This screen will also show you the total part on hand
If a valid bin for that part is scanned / keyed, the specific bin onhand will be shown, as well as the amount you have counted (this could be greater than 1 if this item was scanned earlier).
If an invalid bin is scanned, the gun will beep at you to indicate that a bin was scanned that does not currently apply to the part. Here, you can enter the bin again and you will be asked to confirm is this new bin should be associated to the part
If you do not wish to associate the part with the bin at this point, press reject to go back to the barcode
When you go to scan the next SKU, if the previous item was outside the allowable variance, it will be displayed on the screen with the message “Over variance”. The options are “Y” to update the item with the quantity scanned, “N” to not do the update or “C” to continue and then deal with this item later during this count session. Items scanned but not completed will not be updated in the inventory.
Once the selection is made the next item scanned will be displayed. If the item is currently associated with the same bin as the previous item, the system will automatically select and keep the last bin location.
If you go back and scan and item that has already been counted and updated during this session the original on hand and the previous count will be displayed.
When you scan a number that is no longer in the bin that the previous item is in, the cursor will go back to the bin location for you to confirm the new bin location you are scanning. As scanning through the bin, all items that are associated with that bin will be scanned without asking to confirm the bin.
If, by chance, the number you scan is associated with the current bin and you want to modify the bin location
you can press the 'Reject' button from the 'Counted' field to return to the barcode field
From the barcode field, you can then press Ctrl-L to access the bin field and change the entered bin location
Once in the bin field, you can also see all available bins by pressing the 'Tab' button
To change the method of entry from Autoscan Y press CTRL R on the keypad at the barcode field.
To exit from the screen completely press CTRL R on the keypad from the Autoscan question. When exiting from the count screen you will be asked if you want to "Print Scans?". This will print a listing of all items that were scanned in the session.
Reviewing unscanned items
During the initial count stage, if you press Ctrl-f from the barcode field you will be presented with a listing of all items
2. Recount
Once you have incremented the RF Count # to any number from 2-9, you will be able to access count option #2.
In this screen, you are first presented with a listing of all bins currently with a variance. This is, any items where the last count does not match the previous. Any time an item has 2 counts in a row of the same value, it will be removed from this listing. This list shows variances top down, with the largest variances (regardless of +/-) first.
This can give you a quick glance at the most urgent locations to recount. Pressing the 'S' key will present a prompt where you can scan any one of your bin location labels, not just the locations listed on the screen.
Once you have scanned your bin location, you will see a listing off all outstanding part variances in this location
Pressing the 'S' key again will present a prompt where you can scan the part or it's shelf label to select an item.
Once you have scanned an item, you are presented a screen that will show you the item's basic info along with the bin location onhand, the part's total onhand and the amount that was previously counted.
Here you will enter in the new counted value. Once the value is entered, you're brought back to the variance listing by part and can scan the next item in this bin location.
If the part you scanned does not already exist in the Bin you have selected, you will be prompted to ask if you would like to add the item to the bin
Pressing 'Y' here will advance you to the part detail screen to enter a count. Pressing 'N' will place you back in the S)ku scan field.
When returning to the listing screen after scanning an item, you will automatically be placed back in S)ku mode so that you can continue scanning parts. If you wish to exit this mode, press the on-screen 'Reject' button
Continue counting all variance parts until the listing is completely clear.
3. Manager Count
The final stage of the count is the managers review. You can access this menu option by updating the RF Count # to any number from 10-99.
Similar to the variance recount option, your initial view is a listing of all bin locations with a variance. The difference here is that all items with a variance will show, even if there are two counts of the same value in a row. Items here are simply in variance between the last count and the current system onhand
Pressing the 'S' key will present a prompt where you can scan any one of your bin location labels, not just the locations listed on the screen.
Once you have scanned your bin location, you will see a listing off all outstanding part variances in this location
Pressing the 'S' key again will present a prompt where you can scan the part or it's shelf label to select an item.
Once you have scanned an item, you are presented a screen that will show you the item's basic info along with the bin location onhand, the part's total onhand and the amount that was previously counted.
Here you will enter in the new counted value. Once the value is entered, you're brought back to the variance listing by part and can scan the next item in this bin location.
Continue counting all variance parts until the listing is completely clear.
The inventory is updated with the quantity scanned, it is not an adjustment + or –.
The inventory will only update once the count file is confirmed and updated.
Count Update
Once you are completely satisfied, you can update the count via 6. Inventory > 6. Physical Inventory > 2. RF Year End Counts> 4. Count Update.
Assuming that all criteria set in the count parameters (variance percentage, etc.) this process will apply the final count of all items into inventory, by bin. All variances will be reported and can be printed, and all GL values will be updated.