Frequently Asked Question

D. Bin Switch
Last Updated 9 months ago

To move product between bin locations in real-time, you can use the Bin Switch option. Opening up this menu option will present you with the following screen:


Here you can scan the part, or press the 'Change' button to drop into the part number field and manually enter a part. 


Once you have scanned the barcode or keyed in the part number, you will be placed in the 'from' field to scan the barcode where you are moving the product from. From here, you can also press the 'Tab' key to see what bins are currently associated with this part


Once the bin location is selected, you will be shown the bin type (P=Primary, R=Retail) and the total onhand currently listed for that location


The next step, once you have moved the product, will be to scan the bin location of where you are putting the product. If the destination bin is a new bin, you can optionally set a type (R or P) for that bin after scanning.

Once the destination bin is selected, you can enter the quantity that has been moved. This will remove that quantity from the first bin and place it in the second.

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