Frequently Asked Question

Can I force the delivery question to be asked in invoicing?
Last Updated 8 months ago

A new feature has been added that will force the delivery question to be answered for any accounts that have a delivery type assigned to them. If you have accounts that will sometimes ask for delivery, then it is suggested to assign them to a pickup/will-call delivery type.

For a complete solution, it is suggested to have all types of deliveries set up under 4. Sales Desk > 7. Delivery Dispatch > 4. 

  • (D)elivery
  • (P)ickup / (W)ill Call - This can either be set to deliver or not. If you have a tablet or similar that you use at your pickup counter, you should set this to deliver so that you can take signatures at the pickup counter
  • (N)o Delivery - It is helpful to have a true 'No Delivery' type which does not go to dispatch. This is useful when you want to utilize deliveries on cash sales or a common customer account
  • (X)Rush - The specific delivery type of "X" will activate the 'rush' capabilities of the JDispatch mobile app
  • (N)o Deliver - This is suggested as a default type for when answering (N) to the delivery question. However, if you are using a pickup/will call counter signing tool like a tablet, then this may not be necessary

The descriptions on any of these types can be whatever you like, and the option to dispatch the invoice can be changed to that customers who will primarily not have delivery and you do not want their invoices to be dispatched can be set to a 'N' to dispatch delivery type. 

Any variation or additional types can also help but, at a base level, these defaults will give your counter staff the flexibility to dispatch the basic different types of invoices when answering yes

In order to turn on the feature, you must activate it through 9. System Utilities > 3. System Setup > 4. Sales Desk > 2. Parts Billing Parameters > Screen 5

Option 41 (Force Ask Delivery In Invoicing) has been added and should be set to Y to activate the feature.


In addition, you need to set a delivery type in Field 42 (Default 'N' Delivery Type). This is the delivery type that will be used when answering 'N' to the delivery question. Typically you would enter in a (N)o Delivery code here so that invoices that are answered with 'N' are not dispatched, but this is open to any delivery type option

Once activated a new question will be asked when finalizing an invoice. 


If you answer 'Y' to this question, you will be asked to choose what type of delivery will be used. 

If you answer 'N', then the default 'N' type will be applied to the invoice and you can continue finalizing the invoice.


Based on the answers to the questions above, the invoice will be dispatched accordingly.

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