Frequently Asked Question

How do product substitute chains work in Counterpoint?
Last Updated 2 years ago

Within Counterpoint, you can assign only one substitute to a single part, but you can extend that by 'chaining' the substitutes together.

First, when you assign a substitute, you enter the substitute part into field 10 of the product maintenance screen.


This will cause the substitute to show as a secondary option when selling the primary part. 

If you wish to have another substitute show, you would add the next number as a substitute to the substitute listed on the primary.

Using the example above, we would add the next part as a substitute to KLO KLCH8630


So, now when we key in KLE 313, we should see 2 parts as alternates:

  • KLO KLCH8630
  • 143 45004

This chaining can continue on as long as needed. 

KLE 313 > KLO KLCH8630 > 143 45004 > 305 75089 > .....

However, in order to properly complete the chain and ensure that all options show regardless of which part within the chain is used, once you reach the last number in the chain you MUST use the first number as the substitute

KLE 313 > KLO KLCH8630 > 143 45004 > 305 75089 > 947 57220 > KLE 313

This, effectively, "closes the loop" meaning that all of the items are considered substitutes for each other and will all show as options to sell in invoicing, regardless of which part is initially keyed in.

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