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How do I load labels into the Citizen label printer?
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To swap out / load new labels into the Citizen barcode printer, you will want to follow the steps in this video:



Barcode not printing in the proper spot

If you happen to experience a scenario where the label starts out OK, but begins to drift off of the label and cutting off the barcode, please ensure that the label guide on the printer is snug to the label. Any gap between the label stock and the guide can cause the label to drift.

Additionally, confirm that the label is right up against the left side (as you look at it) of the feed path (noted by the arrow)



In addition, you should confirm that the guide on the label spooler is snug up to the labels. This can require that you slightly lift the labels to get the guide into the label spool core



In this image, the label is snug between the adjustable feed guide and the left printer guide.


This image shows a spooling guide that is not up against the label spool


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