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How do I print batches of shelf labels on the Citizen Printer?
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A new function has been added into the sales desk menuing system:

4. Sales Desk > 8. Administration > 3. Reporting > 4. Labeling > 7. Batch Shelf Labels

The printing of batch shelf labels has a couple of steps with only a few requirements. 

  1. The first step is to create your list of labels. This can be done in a number of ways, but regardless of the method, you must include the category and part number with the appropriate column headings. The two primary choices are:
    1. Create a custom report in the Counterpoint Cloud Platform, containing information needed to make a decision on what labels to print. Typically this report would include things like bin location, on hand, reorder value, etc. Once the report is generated, you can save it as an Excel spreadsheet
    2. Use the template label_print_template.csv file located in Z:\barcodes\templates into which you input the data.
  2. Regardless of the method you use in creating your list, the file must meet the following requirements:
    1. The file must contain the category and part number information
    2. The file must have a header row
    3. The Category field header must be Category
    4. The Part Number field header must be Part Number (note the space)
    5. The file must be saved as a Comma-delimited (*csv) file
    6. The file must be saved to the Z:/barcodes directory
  3. Once the file is saved, you can log into Counterpoint and navigate to the new menu option. 
    4. Sales Desk > 8. Administration > 3. Reporting > 4. Labeling > 7. Batch Shelf Labels
  4. Launching this menu option will start walking you through the process of printing the labels.
    1. First, you will be shown the file requirements and asked to continue
    2. The process will then check what files are available in the Z:\barcodes directory and present you with a list to select from
    3. Select your file and press Enter
    4. Next, you will be presented with some of the file information for the file you selected. This allows you to confirm that the number of records in the file matches what you expect
    5. Press 'Y' to confirm the file and continue
    6. Finally, you will be asked what size of label you wish to print. You MUST ensure that this label stock is in the printer before continuing
    7. Once you select a label type, the labels will begin printing on your default citizen label printer.

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