Frequently Asked Question

A. P.O. Put-Away
Last Updated about a month ago

After a Purchase Order is received the system creates a Bin Sequential list referenced by the PO# to assist with putting the product away. The quantity to be put away is net of any back-ordered or special order items and by default, this net quantity is automatically added to the primary bin during the PO update process. Once the PO# is chosen from the put-away list the gun presents this screen:


The cursor is placed in the b/c (Bar Code) field waiting for the scan of the part number. This will validate you are working on the number expected. Once you scan or enter the part # the cursor will drop to the Loc field for confirmation that this is where the number is being put. Scan the Bin label to confirm the location and then enter the quantity you are placing in the location just scanned. If this is not the primary and is a new bin you will be prompted for whether the bin scanned should be attached to the part number. 

NOTE: If the quantity entered is less than the total qty received the program will assume that the difference was put in the primary bin if an additional bin number is not added. An example is if the primary did not have sufficient room a new bin could be chosen and the qty put in the new bin versus qty received would be netted and the difference would be shown under the primary bin. What this means is that it is not necessary to scan the primary and input the quantity if there is no room, simply choose an available bin and indicate what qty is being placed in the new bin. Once all the parts have been put-away the program will ask if you wish to delete the list so as to keep the put-away selection list as short as possible. There is no put-away list created for Rush Receiving.

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