Frequently Asked Question

Admin CP
Last Updated a year ago



The Admin CP page provides you with a quick, at-a-glance view of some of the important statistics and metrics of the Cloud Platform as a whole, and how your data has been loaded, etc.

Info Tiles

Active Users

The total number of users currently logged in to your instance of the Counterpoint Cloud Platform

License Status

Current status of your Counterpoint Cloud Platform license

Total Users

Total number of users set up in your instance of the Counterpoint Cloud Platform

Total Customers

Total unique customers loaded in your instance of the Counterpoint Cloud Platform

Total Products

Total unique products loaded in your instance of the Counterpoint Cloud Platform

Total CounterMessages

Total number of outstanding CounterMessages

Total Invoice Lines

Total number of invoice lines loaded in your instance of the Counterpoint Cloud Platform

System Procedures

This panel shows a status of the automated system procedures that are run. By clicking the See More link, you can view the detail of these procedures and trigger a restart of any failed procedures

Server Cache

The Counterpoint Cloud Platform uses caching in order to improve performance. This panel shows how many different datasets and queries have been cached. If, for some reason, old data is being loaded and displayed you can optionally clear this cache in order to force the server to pull fresh data queries.

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