Frequently Asked Question

How Do I Sell a Gift Card
Last Updated 3 years ago

Within Counterpoint, Gift Cards / Certificates can be set up to be sold and redeemed. To do this requires two separate steps, setting up the Gift Card to sell, and setting up the redemption option.

This process can be repeated as many times as you like for different types of Gift Cards / Certificates

Setting Up For Sale

The first step is to set up an item in the system that can be sold. The sale of a Gift Card / Certificate is done through the Counterpoint 'General Charges"

The maintenance of General Charge Codes is found through System Utilities > System Setup > Sales Desk > General Charge Code Maintenance.

  • A maximum of two characters is used for the code.
  • The description used will be put on the invoice when the code is used.
  • The Type for a Gift Card should be set up as a $.
  • The charge should be set up as default of zero.
  • The tax codes are based on the values setup in the Billing Parameters.
  • Levies should not be considered in a GC.
  • Gift Cards are not to be set as an automatic charge.
  • If the “enter text” setting is Y the user will be able to alter the comment which will be printed on the invoice.
  • The “enter value” setting must be Y so that the value can be modified at the time of sale.
  • For a Gift Card, the dates should not be considered, so enter the current date in the start date and 2099/12/31 in the end date.

Once this code is set up, then the sale of a Gift Card would be done by invoicing out a 'G' line type and using the newly set up code (in this case, GC)


Enter in the value of the Gift Card and accept the invoice line. The taxes on the line will be charged as per the setup of the GC charge code.

Once the item has been added to the invoice, take payment as per usual.

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